Upcoming changes and additions.

Hello everyone and Thanks to all how have voted during the Facebook poll and those how have shown/are showing interest in the project ! 

Here is the list of changes and additions planned for the game. More details (ie : actual values) about these changes will come with patch notes.

Please note that these changes are not definitives and do not includes fixes.

  • Graphic Style :

We plan to go full 3D for the project.
Are concerned : Title Screen, Number of Player Selection Screen, all of the in-game menus and all particule effects.

  • Characters :

Characters lack... character, so we will rework their design and models to make them more memorable and to avoid that ugly rescaling we made. We will also give every character their own projectiles collection, fitting their new design. Making the equiped Utilitary visible In-game is also planned : it will be attached to their "vehicules".

  • In-Game Visibility :

The game is chaotic and some people may find it difficult to follow what is happening during the game, therefore playing it. We will add highlighters to draw attention to what is important on the field, with color coding for players to more easily identify themselves.
Are concerned : Players' Characters, Items' drops and used Items such as Dwarf Bomb and Moles.

We will also remove the Decoration's Health bars on Plants and Dwarves Decoration as players do not really need them and are unecessary overloading the screen.

  • Soundtracks :

Adding original sountracks to the game is mandatory. We also do not want to use a place holder that misrepresent the Universe of our game and to which people get too attached to. We will add it when it will be ready.

  • Game Modes :

Other Game Modes could be added, but we will focus on making the game clean first. New Game Modes would be added depending on the success of the crowdfunding campaign, or as free DLC depending on the success of the game.

  • AI :

Computer Controlled Players will be added. They will allow players to practice or they will complete teams. They will have three difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, Hard).

Game Mechanics :

  • Movement :

Players movement will be reworked to make the game feels more like "fighting your opponent" and less like "fighting with the controller to place my 3x1 Decoration in that one empty spot". Player Characters will move on a grid (the same grid used for placing Decorations), this will remove the struggle players have for placing Decoration and accurately targeting the opponent's field. An input will also be added to allow the Player to double-check his aim.

Movement Speed will be increased so that the new movement mechanic do not feel too mechanical.

  • Health (Green Bar) :

Health passive regeneration will no longer have a delay before activating , but it's efficacity will be significantly reduced. A "Rest Zone" will be placed at the back of each players' field : Players will be able to regenerate their Health there.

Delay before being able to act after dying will not change much but the amount of Health regenerated after dying will be drastically reduced. Dying will be more punishing as Players will no longer be able to ressurect with their full Health and continue playing as if nothing happened.

These changes on Health are made to give Utilitaries more significance in their choice and easier to balance.

  • Utilitaries :

Players will be able to select only one Utilitary instead of two. Most of the Utilitaries will be rebalanced to make them worth playing.

Sleep Dart Utilitary will be removed and added to the Items' Drop List.

  • Items :

Changes will be made on the Items' drop chance logic to make it more consistent and fair.

An "Ultimate" Item will be added to the Items' Drop List. "Ultimates" Items will allow players with a significant disadvantage to try reducing the gap.  "Ultimates" visuals will be different for each characters, but the mechanic will be the same for balance purposes. Only one "Ultimate" at a time can be dropped and/or used on each field. When picking up an "Ultimate", it will disapear from the Player's inventory after some time.

Dwarf Bomb's range and damages will be increased, but damages will diminish with distance (Decoration's Grid will be used as a reference for distances).

  • Projectiles :

Projectiles speed and curve will be adjusted to reach all parts of the opposite team more easily.

  • Decorations :

The Fountain Decoration Mesh will be changed to actually display a fountain. Fountain will add a growth and regenertion bonus to Plant Decorations in a given range and will now be "+" shaped. Collisions will be adjusted according to it's new shape and function. There will be a limit on how many Fountains can be added on a field (around 5).

Dwarves will be able to launch projectiles at a reduced rate towards the opponent's field. Dwarves will also take (reduced) damages from Herbicide's Item and will no longer be repairable, as there were not a lot of options to destroy them efficiently. There will be a limit on how many Dwarves can be added on a field (around 20).

Multiplayer :

  • Online (and LAN) Multiplayer :

Online support is planned for the game : being on your own should not be an osbtacle to having fun !

  • Smartphones and Tablets as Controllers (for PC version of the game) :

Part of the reason why we will add Multiplayer support is to be able to play the game even if the number of available Controllers (or USB ports) is limited, by using mobile devices as Controllers. The connected device(s) will simply display Players' IDs and Players related informations (Health, Utilitary status and Items).

 Android and IOs :

When talking about playing on mobile devices, we must address one problem : screen size. The solution would be to use one device as the main screen that can be "casted" or "thrown" to a bigger screen (available on most smart TVs ), and the other devices as Controllers. For devices with a decent screen, moving to Touch Controls would be the solution, but it will takes some work.

That is all !

We will keep you updated (through Patch Notes and Devlogs). Thank you again for showing interest in our project and Thank you for your support !

Get Senior Citizens - DEMO

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